Forest bathing is an immersive experience into the energy of the forest. Bow as you enter and let go of your expectations. Move slowly as a snail. Hug the trees and tell them you love them. Be with the forest rather than a consumer of it. Stop often and just take it in. If you are there an hour you will feel refreshed like you have meditated for 3 hours. Leave something for the forest, bird seed, apples for the deer, table scraps, or pick up the trash along the way. Bow upon leaving and if possible have tea.
Tree Hugging is a wonderful way to connect.
Our wellness and health are deeply dependant upon the wellness and health of the forests. When the Earth is sick and has lost balance, we humans will also become sickness. Thich Nhat Hahn warned us of this in his book “Love Letters to the Earth” in 2016, that we would have serious epidemics if we did not heed caution to protect the forests from humans devastation. Covid is from our lack of balance of forests. We must step back from harms and stop deforestation for profits. We will continue to have more serious illnesses unless we take care of the forests first. We are all connected.