When we realize our personal responsibility as parasites of this beautiful globe, we can see that our every action is a ripple of cause and effect into the entire Universe. Minimizing our footprint together will make a strong impact so that we can enjoy trees and forests and respect all life forms for all our lives.
“There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed.”
— Mahatma Gandhi

Simple actions to help our planet
Humans are the single most destructive force to all life forms. Let’s be respectful and change that.
- Turn off the lights and and unplug electrical appliances when not in use.
- Save our trees! Protect our forests for the wildlife that live there and protect us from virus. Use less toilet paper (trees) and convert to a bidet or bamboo sources when possible. Transition to using clothes you wash instead of paper towels (trees).
- Save water! Take short showers, water trees and gardens when necessary (not lawns), reuse water from cooking to water plants. Flush toilets only when necessary.
- Up-cycle as much as possible. Everything has a life beyond its first use. Glass and metal containers/jars from food purchases are your new storage organization system. Reuse them for bulk food/laundry detergent purchases. Remove buttons from shirts that become rags.
- What you can’t up-cycle > recycle. It isn’t the full answer anymore – but our aim is to reduce the trash mountains. Throw away as little as possible, share slightly used items, and repurpose the rest.
- Don’t pollute the air! Walk, ride a bike, bus/train/carpool to reduce air pollution. When you walk, take time to talk to the trees and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
- Take your own bags to the store. Eliminate unnecessary plastic pollution and tree deforestation from grocery bag use. When you forget a bag – use a box from the store instead. Most stores have cardboard boxes that can be reused or recycled afterwards.
- Buy second hand clothes at thrift stores or participate in fashion trade parties.
- Eat low on the food chain: vegetarian, vegan, or less animal meat all together. The grain and water that one (beef) cow eats could feed nations. We need happy people and happy cows and that looks like a loving plate of vegetarian options at the dinner table. Buy eggs from local pasture raised (free) hens who are happy.
- Be careful where you spend your money! Shop at local places where you know your money feeds your community and supports respectful community practices. Avoid large chains that support political beliefs that harm our planet. Voting with your wallet is the true change we can make every day.
“We do not have a world hunger problem, we have a world greed problem.”
– Rev. Lori Shinko Snyder

Prayers for Our Planet

May everyone with hate and fear in their heart be filled with a deep transformation of love and lay down their arms.
May generosity fill the hearts of those with abundance and may those with too little recieve equal opportunity and sources for life sustaining needs.
May all beings have food to eat, clean water to drink, and shelter over their heads.
May all animals be treated with respect.
Water is the source of all living beings, may we all have clean sources to sustain all life.
May all the animals be protected from humans with boundaries to provide habitat for thriving.
May all humans deeply realize how interconnected our survival is to the survival of all animals, insects, and ecosystems.
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